
Former Iowa Baha’is on National Spiritual Assemblies

It’s recently come to my attention that at least four Iowa Baha’is went on to pioneer internationally and serve on National Spiritual Assemblies at their pioneering posts. There may well be more! I’m aware of David Meswarb serving on the NSA of the Leeward Islands and then the East Leeward Islands; Rod Clarken, who I…

Reflections on the November 28, 2023 Letter from the Universal House of Justice

Dear friends, Like everyone else, I’ve been feeling so grateful as I ponder the beautiful recent message from the Universal House of Justice. What an amazing, comprehensive, concise reflection on the first century of the Formative Age, the world’s current turmoil, and the promise of things to come! So much for us to learn from…

Interviewers Needed!

The two entries on our website page for “Interviews” are lonely! We have so many wonderful Iowa Baha’is who have treasure troves of stories to share that we want and need to preserve. Wouldn’t you love to be able to talk with these friends, help share their memories, and secure them for future generations? We…

Tech Help Needed!

Dear friends, the Iowa Baha’i History Project needs to find the right person to gradually take over technical administration of our Project website. Please help us spread the word! Are you service-driven, tech-inclined, and have a little time to spare? We would be oh so grateful for your help! We are seeking someone with WordPress…