
Three Things…

Greetings! I haven’t posted here for some time. Just too much going on! But I want to comment on three things. First, I’ve been searching for other websites that address Baha’i history, to see what’s out there and what we can learn from others’ efforts. I’m surprised at what I am and am not finding!…


I was browsing through the “Glimpses” on the website and realized it would be wonderful to have lots more of these! I suspect we all have special memories of moments—small anecdotes or pictures that have stayed with us through the years because of their importance to our understanding, growth, or conviction in our beliefs or…

The Corinne True Center for Baha’i History

I was excited to learn of the establishment of the Corinne True Center for Baha’i History as an agency of our National Spiritual Assembly. I was even more excited to read the recently released statement from that organization titled “The Importance of Studying History, Theology, and World Religions.” It’s a “must read” for anyone already…

Happy Ayyam-i-Ha!

As we move into our annual “spiritual season,” beginning with Ayyam-i-Ha, encompassing the Fast, and concluding with Naw Ruz, we feel a special excitement, joy, and reverence. Personally, I declared my faith in Baha’u’llah on the first night of Ayyam-i-Ha of 1976, so this season always brings back precious memories. As you “provide good cheer”…