One Comment

  1. Regarding Hannah Rishel’s post about Iowa Baha’i Youth ~1980-1985: I’m wondering if that is me standing to the left of Andy Hofert. I lived in Council Bluffs until some time in spring of 1980 when I went to Wilmette to serve at the National Baha’i Center for a couple of months and then pioneer to Denmark. But I don’t remember that gathering so maybe it’s not me. I do love that story about Andy Matheny who married my brother Joe Foroughi in 1986. My brother David married Anisa Rodriguez (a Baha’i youth from Iowa) and I myself married Terry Ofner, a Baha’i from Iowa. I would say that Brad and Elham had their finger on the pulse of what we young people needed and for that we are most grateful! ❤️❤️❤️

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