My Baha’i History, by Kal Basin
Submitted February 2024
Hi, I was asked to give some of my historical account upon joining the Baha’i Faith, February 1967, at Fairfield, Iowa, where I was attending Parson’s College.
Prior to my graduation at Parson’s College in 1967, I come across the Baha’i Faith. I was attending firesides, discussions, etc. and was reading about the Baha’i Faith. So, in about 1 month’s time, I recognized God’s Revelation for this age and decided to join. When I made this request, I was asked to go to some Baha’i conferences in Iowa, etc. and I asked if they did not hear me, that I wanted to join the Baha’i Faith, so eventually a declaration card was presented, I filled it out and handed it over, thus I entered the ranks of this stupendous and glorious Cause.
Near and after my graduation, I was asked if would be willing to help on a Baha’i project to assist with supporting activities on a Indian youth project during their summer holidays outside Buffalo and Hamburg New York in 1967. I agreed, and helped out; it was a wonderful experience where I also got to meet some wonderful people. During this time my immediate family moved to Los Angeles. I went there and got involved with other Baha’is in teaching and holding firesides in Los Angeles and surrounding areas. I took some extensive trips through various parts of the US to teach and went as far as the East Coast, including Boston, Vermont, thereafter, headed back to Los Angeles. Then I move to San Bernardino, California worked there and got involved with the Baha’i community. After living in this desert type climate, I decided to move to Alaska. I was asked by the National Spiritual Assembly of Alaska to settle on Kodiak Island, which I did, but shortly before going there, I participated in an intensive teaching campaign through various parts of Alaska. So, I stayed in Alaska for some time, I was elected as a delegate to the Baha’i National Convention of Alaska and during this convention they asked for volunteers to go pioneering and take up international goals, I raised my hand, saved my money and went to Africa.
Before leaving for Africa, I was asked to go to Wilmette, Illinois for training, in this regards. I went and thereafter, before leaving for Africa, I was thinking of making my last trip, possibly for the last time to Los Angeles to be with my family. While in Wilmette, I asked if there was some teaching activity that I might join and I went to a mass teaching campaign, in Brownville, Texas which I join and participated, it was successful. Thereafter visited Los Angeles, got my passport and ticket to fly to Africa. I was asked to stop in Nairobi, Kenya to meet with the Counsellors and that they would guide me as to where I should settle in Africa. The Counsellors sent me to Botswana and shortly thereafter to Lesotho, Africa where I have been since March 1973. I arrived in Lesotho near the end of the 9 Year Plan. During this time, the previous pioneer from Alaska to Lesotho had left the country, about one month before my arrival. Lesotho was one of the international goals for Alaska during the 9 Year Plan.
After being in Lesotho for some time, I was elected to serve on the Local Spiritual Assembly of Maseru and then on the National Spiritual Assembly, where I served mostly in the capacity as a Treasurer. During this time I have attended about 7 to 8 International Conventions in Haifa. I received a letter dated 28 February 2016 from the Universal House of Justice “… asks you to free yourself from the responsibilities associated with membership on the National Assembly and submit your resignation to that body.” (see attachment) This I have done, it seems that I was moving up in age. Also, served as a Representive of Huququ’llah from about the mid 1970 to 2023.
Hope that this information is help, in regards to the question you have asked.
May the Blessed Beauty continue to shower His bounties and blessings upon you.
Wishing you all the best,
Kalman (Kal) Basin
NOTE: The top photo is three generations of Kal’s family: Top row Noosi and Louis, below Noosi is Paul, then Kal’s wife Thato and Kal, below Thato is Bill, front row is Olga and Mitchelle. Bottom photo is Kal with friends in Alaska circa 1970. Kal is in the back row with a beard.