International Pioneering – China Segment 7
CHINA, SEGMENT 7: DAN AND CHARITY’S VISIT TO CHINA by Priscilla Hofert, submitted October
Our son Dan and his wife Charity came to visit us in China April 2001. They took many pictures and enjoyed trying to communicate with the Chinese people.
They were intrigued with the fact that there was a fence all around the university, and around all universities in Tianjin, with two guards at the gate who politely agreed to pose for a picture.
We visited the famous Great Wall of China and were urged to buy many things. Here pictured was a lady suggesting that John buy me the dress she was selling. Dan is in the background taking the picture.
We went to Beijing to meet with Melody Xu, who had been translating for one of the Baha’i Counselors visiting China, and in so doing became a Baha’i herself. Her husband Fu Xing, a renowned photographer in China, was invited to Haifa to take pictures for a book to commemorate the finishing of the Baha’i Terraces on Mount Carmel in 2001. Those who have that book can look up and see which pictures he took. We felt honored to meet that couple. This picture was taken in April right before the book was published in May 2001.