“…use your stories to become a source of inspiration and guidance for those who read them. With such a means at your disposal you can spread the spirit and teachings of the Cause, you can show the evils that exist in society, as well as the way they can be remedied.” – Shoghi Effendi, Lights of Guidance, p. 103
Powerful Spirit by Diane Findlay
While I was seriously investigating the Faith in
Cedar Rapids…
Sophie Hays and Family
by Judith Williams
I have great great grandparents directly from Germany; born in the 1820s. …
Hand of the Cause William Sears Visits Iowa by Priscilla Hofert
One Friday evening we got a call from Marguerite saying, “Bill and I would like to visit you…
A Fundamentalist Minister…
by Diane Findlay
A fundamentalist minister, and Pentecostal preacher and a Brethren pastor walk into a Feast…
Wednesday Mornings at Terri’s by Diane Findlay
In the mid-1980s I was a young mom living, as I still do, in rural Dallas County…
Neutral Ground Wedding
by Diane Findlay
During our early years serving on the LSA of Cedar Rapids, we had a very interesting experience…
Memories of Service
by Susan Ofner
I want to share memories of my Baha’i service while in West Branch and Iowa City in 1985-1990…
by Diane Findlay
Bob and I hosted international exchange students while our kids were growing up…
by David Foroughi
I was born a Baha’i child. I had lived in various places before living in Iowa…
“Her Baha’i Community” by Diane Findlay
Virginia was a dear friend…
Prayer and Service Provide Solid Foundation…
Article from THE AMERICAN BAHA’I, April 15, 2021. Shared with permission of THE AMERICAN BAHA’I, all rights reserved.
Five Steps to Prayer by Ruth Moffett
Guidance given to Ruth Moffet by Shoghi Effendi, published in Baha’i Library Online
Millie’s Basement
In the 1970s and ‘80s, the lower level of Mildred Sullivan’s house in Des Moines was an unofficial Baha’i Center…
Henrietta Kroll Speaks out in “Readers’ Letters” to the Editor
From the LeMars Globe-Post, February 12, 1954, scroll down to find letter
Gilbert-Vodraska Wedding, 1978
Anita Gilbert and Anthony Vodraska were married in a Bahai ceremony in 1978 at Kent Park…
More Glimpses of Ruth Moffett
This is a composite piece, gathering comments left on the Iowa Baha’i History Project Facebook page.
An Attracted Soul–Kingsley Barbour White by Marie Scheffer
Here is what I know about an early admirer of the Faith in Sioux City…
Single Line Text
I am so enjoying seeing old friends, and hearing stories about people I have heard about. I can’t wait to hear more.