Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Cluster Corner by Steve Bonnett
This look back at cluster activity a decade ago is reprinted with permission from the Cedar Rapids Baha’i Newsletter, May 2012, Edition 4, Volume 5:
Cluster Corner by Steve Bonnett
A cluster reflection meeting was held on Sunday, April 22nd at the Bahá’í Center in Cedar Rapids. After opening with prayers and music we reported on the status and activities of Cycle #9, January 21 to April 21, 2012.
The following core activities increased in number: Study Circles, Book #1, 3 friends completed; Book #2, 2 friends completed and Book #7,4 friends completed and there is an on-going Book #2 in Iowa City. There are now 4 active children’s classes, 1 in Iowa City, and 3 in Cedar Rapids.
An additional devotional gathering was started at the Abel’s home and overall we have seen an increase in the number of participants at the Sunday devotional gatherings at the center. We also added one new believer to the cluster, Meghan Hunter of Cedar Rapids!
Focus areas for Cycle #10, April 22 to July 21, include doing home visits, for instance, Iowa City has two friends who are going to visit a new Bahá’í in the area. We also want to encourage participation in devotional gatherings, study circles and children’s classes that are ongoing. Race Unity day is on June 10th this year and there are plans for doing a picnic celebration in Hiawatha and inviting some of our Burundi friends to join us.