Iowa Contingent at Wisconsin Baha’i Youth Conference, 1972
Submitted by Vaughn Fletcher, June 2022
Monsell Laurie, Bill Rutenbeck, John and Co Smith. Erlene Jenerich- Evanston, IL, Jack Langlae?, Peter Hayward, Vaughn and Tamara Becke Fletcher. Todd Fletcher, Ivor Stokley, Vicky Ziegler- Abel, Bryce Abel, Caroline Secil, Kim Heinrich’s, Naseri from Iran, Connie from Mt. Cleqred?, Bill and Donna Putman?, Barbara from Cedar Rapids, Mary Beth Schrieber – married David Sundance, Todd and Rose Snell, Nicky Smith?, Gary Scott, Greg Wakefield- Middleton, Bob Cooper- Cindy Norris, Marty Schern, Mike Turner, Pat from Des Moines, Mr. Khadem (The names with the ? are questionable spelling, very hard to decipher on back of photo on old paper backing!)