Youth Activities
“It is on young and active Bahá’ís… that the Guardian centers all his hopes for the future progress and expansion of the Cause and it is on their shoulders that he lays all the responsibility for the upkeep of the spirit of selfless service among their fellow-believers… therefore, try all your best to carry aflame within you the torch of faith, for through it you will surely find guidance, strength and eventual success.” – Shoghi Effendi, Letters to New Zealand, p. 33
Shoghi Effendi, Arohanui – Letters to New Zealand, p. 33
Baha’i Youth Party in Des Moines, November 22, 1958
Youth party sponsored by the Baha’i Youth Committee of Des Moines, photo from Bahaimedia archives
Iowa Contingent at Wisconsin Youth Conference, 1972
Submitted by
Vaughn Fletcher
Youth Retreats at Findlays’
by Diane Findlay
In the mid-late 1980s there were quite a few Baha’i youth scattered around the state…
4th of July Parade in Lamoni, 1970s
Terri Rene DaVar submitted this photo of a car decorated by a group of youth for a parade in Lamoni
Waterloo Youth Visit Des Moines, 1958
From the Des Moines Register, November 21, 1958
Waterloo Hosts Baha’i Youth Conference, 1959
From the Waterloo Courier, November 30, 1959
Youth Service at Saylorville Lake 1987
Terri Foster Ferrell provided photos of this youth service project at Saylorville Lake, August 15-16, 1987
Iowa Baha’i Youth ~ 1980-1985 by Hannah Rishel
Here are my few recollections from Brad’s Iowa and Kansas Baha’u Youth Group years…
Baha’i Youth Workshops by Diane Findlay, Bonnie Tozer, and Kim Byungsuk Siegling
“United as One” workshop, 1999 – early 2000s
College Clubs Retreat 1982
Held at Scattergood Friends School in April, 1982
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Regarding Hannah Rishel’s post about Iowa Baha’i Youth ~1980-1985: I’m wondering if that is me standing to the left of Andy Hofert. I lived in Council Bluffs until some time in spring of 1980 when I went to Wilmette to serve at the National Baha’i Center for a couple of months and then pioneer to Denmark. But I don’t remember that gathering so maybe it’s not me. I do love that story about Andy Matheny who married my brother Joe Foroughi in 1986. My brother David married Anisa Rodriguez (a Baha’i youth from Iowa) and I myself married Terry Ofner, a Baha’i from Iowa. I would say that Brad and Elham had their finger on the pulse of what we young people needed and for that we are most grateful! ❤️❤️❤️